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Turvalaitteista ilmoittaminen vieraille

Transparency helps build trust and set clear expectations between Hosts and guests. By disclosing security cameras, recording devices, and noise decibel monitors Hosts can help ensure guests know what to expect during their stay. 

These rules take effect on April 30, 2024.

Here’s what you need to know about disclosure requirements:

  • Hosts are not allowed to have security cameras and recording devices that monitor any part of a listing’s interior, such as the listing’s hallway, bedroom, bathroom, living room, or guest house, even if they’re turned off or disconnected. Hidden security cameras are strictly prohibited. These prohibitions also apply to the common areas and shared spaces of private room listings (ex: a living room).
  • Hosts are allowed to have exterior security cameras and recording devices as long as they do not monitor areas where users have a greater expectation of privacy, such as the inside of an enclosed outdoor shower or in a sauna.
  • Hosts must disclose the location of exterior security cameras (ex: “I have a camera in my front yard,” “I have a camera over my patio,” “I have a camera over my pool,” or “I have a doorbell camera monitoring my front door and the hallway of my apartment building”).
  • Hosts are allowed to have noise decibel monitors in the listing’s interior as long as the Host discloses their presence and are not allowed in bedrooms, bathrooms, or sleeping areas. Hosts are not required to disclose where their noise decibel monitors are located.

Turvakamerasta tai tallennuslaitteesta ilmoittaminen

  1. Napsauta Ilmoitukset ja valitse ilmoitus, jota haluat muokata.
  2. Napsauta kohdassa Ilmoituksen muokkaustyökalu Kohteesi.
  3. Napsauta Vieraan turvallisuus.
  4. Napsauta Turvalaitteet ja sitten Kohteessa on turvakameroita tai ääntä tallentavia laitteita.
  5. Napsauta Lisää tietoja ja kuvaile jokaista ulkoista laitetta, sen sijaintia (esim. "Etuoveani ja kerrostalon käytävää valvoo ovikellokamera") ja, onko se päällä vai pois päältä.
  6. Napsauta Jatka ja sitten Tallenna.

Desibelimittareista ilmoittaminen

  1. Napsauta Ilmoitukset ja valitse muokattava ilmoitus.
  2. Napsauta kohdassa Ilmoituksen muokkaustyökalu Kohteesi.
  3. Napsauta Vieraan turvallisuus.
  4. Napsauta Turvalaitteet ja sitten Kohteessa on turvakameroita tai ääntä tallentavia laitteita.
  5. Napsauta Desibelimittarit ja sitten Tallenna.
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