Ehdotukset näkyvät hakusyötteen kirjoittamisen jälkeen. Tarkista käyttämällä ylös- ja alas-nuolinäppäimiä. Valitse enter-painikkeella. Jos valinta on lause, kyseinen lause lähetetään hakuun. Jos ehdotus on linkki, selain siirtyy kyseiselle sivulle.

Miten naapurustot määritetään?

Neighborhoods are automatically assigned to listings based on address. We work with cartographers, locals, and city experts to determine neighborhood boundaries and continually update our maps as they evolve over time.

If your neighborhood is a subset of a larger one, or if two neighborhoods overlap, your listing may show up in search results for both.

Changing your neighborhood

You can’t edit your neighborhood, but you can change your listing’s address if you’ve never booked a reservation for it—otherwise, you’ll need to contact us.

To present a more detailed picture of your listing’s neighborhood, try customizing how your location shows up on the map or writing a more robust description. Travelers rely on descriptions to get a sense of the area—you know it better than anyone, so your perspective is invaluable to them.

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