

16 paikallista suosittelee,

Vihjeitä paikallisilta

September 18, 2017
Good cakes and bakery in old town
Entinen Jäsen
September 5, 2017
Cafe Rukis is situated in the historic Viru street in Tallinn Old Town and offers a variety of different meal options as well as is famous for its bakery.
June 2, 2018
Nice cafe in Old Town. Perfect for breakfasts.
KoolRooms Tallinn Holiday Homes
May 7, 2017
Super-cozy, quaint new coffee shop focussing on doing traditional Estonian breakfast and lunch items. Great interior design, and especially nice on cold, windy, rainy days. Also one of the few places in central Tallinn that offers an 8am breakfast. Their sister-restaurant Farm around the corner on Muurivahe is nice for a little more pricey but elegant celebration dinner of Estonian specialties with a twist.
Super-cozy, quaint new coffee shop focussing on doing traditional Estonian breakfast and lunch items. Great interior design, and especially nice on cold, windy, rainy days. Also one of the few places in central Tallinn that offers an 8am breakfast. Their sister-restaurant Farm around the corner on M…
August 23, 2016
Delicious breakfast and cakes

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Kulttuurikierros Tallinna vanhassakaupungissa
Ainutlaatuinen Tallinna paikallisen valokuvaajan kanssa
Viron/Baltian kotia - paikallisia, kausiluonteisia tuotteita

Paikalliset asukkaat suosittelevat myös

11 Viru tänav
Tallinn, Harju maakond