
Sobeys Urban Fresh Mount Pleasant

36 paikallista suosittelee,
Pysyvästi suljettu

Vihjeitä paikallisilta

July 25, 2017
Easily within walking distance - a good place to get any essentials you might want for your stay. If you just need a little something (sugar for your tea? a dash of salt?) don't bother buying that - we're happy to provide you with small essentials.
July 29, 2016
Large grocery store with all the basics and more!
Kayla And Gabriel
October 30, 2014
(Great international food) already made food on the go!
June 4, 2015
For everyday groceries, fast and convenient with a local wine store.
August 8, 2014
Closest grocery store, 5 minute walk away!

Ainutlaatuista tekemistä lähistöllä

Näytä minulle kaupunki - Kävelykierros Torontossa
Valokuvausretki Toronton keskustassa
R&B-konsertti merirosvoaluksella
710 Mt Pleasant Rd
Toronto, ON