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Vieraiden suosikit ja laatuluokitukset

The best way to find a great place to stay is to read what past guests have said about their experience. That’s why we created Guest Favorites—a collection of the 2 million most-loved homes on Airbnb based on ratings, reviews, and reliability data from over half a billion trips.

Guest Favorites are available around the world, and they’re simple to find on Airbnb. Each one features a badge in search results and the listing page. And a new filter allows guests to search for only Guest Favorites.

How Guest Favorites works

Every day, eligible homes are evaluated based on the ratings, reviews, and data from millions of guests traveling daily, to determine which homes are the most loved by guests. Homes that meet the criteria may show a Guest favorite badge.

Guest Favorites are identified based on a mix of factors related to overall stay and listing quality and reliability, including:

  • Overall star ratings and feedback in guest reviews
  • Category ratings for check-in, cleanliness, accuracy, Host communication, location, and value
  • Host cancellation rates
  • Quality-related incidents reported to Airbnb customer service
  • A minimum of 5 reviews in the past 2 years
  • Additional factors may apply and eligibility criteria is subject to change

Highlights for top homes

The new highlight for the top 1%, 5%, and 10% of homes shows how eligible listings compare to others based on ratings, reviews, and reliability. Listings with at least 5 reviews in the past 2 years may qualify for a highlight displayed at the top of their listing page.

Percentile ranking

Percentile rankings are another way to compare eligible listings. Homes that meet the eligibility criteria may include a percentile ranking label on their listing page.

  • Top 1%, 5%, and 10% of eligible listings will have a gold trophy icon, a gold Guest Favorites badge, a highlight at the top of their listing page, and a label above their reviews
  • Bottom 10% of eligible listings will have a label above their reviews
  • Percentile ranking compares listings with at least 1 review in the past 2 years and is based on a number of factors related to quality and reliability, including:
    • Overall star ratings and feedback in guest reviews
    • Category ratings for check-in, cleanliness, accuracy, Host communication, location, and value
    • Host cancellation rates
    • Quality-related incidents reported to Airbnb customer service
  • Percentile ranking is only displayed on listings that have:
    • At least 5 reviews in the past 2 years
    • Bottom 10% is only displayed when listings have received a prior quality-related communication from Airbnb
  • Additional factors and exclusions may apply, and criteria is subject to change
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